Sunday, October 4, 2009

Trip to Japan or how I spent 14 hours in a plane.

Well I made it to Japan, and I currently can't sleep so I have decided to start this blog. I am looking out my window at flashing neon signs, drinking green tea, and wearing a kosode (小袖) provided by the hotel. Life is pretty good so far.

Actually I probably look like the cover to Lost in Translation.

The trip over was easy, but the flight was about 14 hours long. We flew out of Charleston at 10:30am, and made it to ATL in about an hour.

In Terminal E, we met up with Alex, the archaeologist for the project, and ate at TGIFriday. Yes, my last meal in the USA was at Fridays! I found it ironic that the ATL international terminal had a Japanese restaurant. Not going there.

After lunch, got on the 747 and had only one person in the row. That was great because I did not want to have to talk to people.

So for 14 hours, what could I do? I listened to my Ipod, started reading some books on my kindle, and watching movies.

First movie, "Land of the Lost." not great, not good. But made me laugh a few times.
Next movie, "My Sister's Keeper" I decided not to watch. Too depressing.
Next movie, "The Soloist." Again, did not watch. Again too depressing.
Final movie, "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past," I confess I watched this, and it was ok.

The food on the flight was decent. Lots of fruit.

I did not sleep too much, never could get comfortable.

There were a couple of strange people on the flight.

Before we took off, Alex pointed out a 60 year old man with a 20 year old girl a few rows behind me. We first thought it was so nice that a dad was taking his daughter on a trip. Then they started to make out, and she started speaking Russian. So we guessed she was a mail-order bride.

The next strange person was a big fat guy laying in a row of seats sleeping the whole way to Japan. Not strange in itself, but he was also sleeping with his pants open!